鶴木 智子Tomoko Tsuruki
自身の経験を活かし、東京、富山、石川でrawfoodや発酵食の魅力をワークショップや教室を通して発信している。各地のイベントでraw sweetsやsmoothie、発酵食の出店等も行う。
I’m Triggered by natural asthma and allergy from birth
became interested in mind and mental , physical relations with food.
Yoga is incorporated into a daily life, and it was completely cured by learning and practicing nutrition.
and started Learn rawfood through by Yoga.
There are “koji “shop since Edo period, and began to learn about the infinite possibilities of fermented food.
I’m sharing the raw foods and fermented foods in workshops in Tokyo, Toyama and Ishikawa prefecture through my experience.
We also making raw sweets, smoothie, and fermented food work shop events.
We are selling original brand “Tsuru Koji”.
Salted rice malt , soy sauce malt, and amazake (sweet mild sake) with special ingredients and a special recipe.